About Lone Star Surgery Center
The Lone Star Surgery Center of Houston is located centrally in Houston TX. It is owned and operated by Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Jason Bailey. Specialist with like-minded, patient centered approach also utilize the center for the needs of their patients.
The Facility Is Open And Accredited!
Patients with high deductible plans (5K or more) or those who are self-insured through a company plan would benefit themselves or business to explore the opportunities for care at our facility. Please engage yourself and review the pricing which is transparently listed on this site. If you are considering a trip to a foreign country to have your surgery, you should look here first as we offer modern, insured and friendly US based care at a fraction of the overhead of larger facilities. If you have no insurance at all, we welcome the opportunity to offer your care with quality, compassion and pricing that we believe are unmatched.
Commercial health insurance
Did you know that if you have commercial health insurance, and you try to go to an in-network hospital facility to have a surgical procedure they will not allow you to bypass using your insurance and pay cash. Hospitals are contractually bound to insurance companies...

Providing High Quality Care at Affordable Prices
It is no secret to anyone that the pricing of surgical services is at the top of the list of problems in our dysfunctional healthcare system. Bureaucracy at the insurance and hospital levels, cost shifting and the absence of free market principles are among the culprits for what has caused surgical care in the United States to be cost prohibitive. As more and more patients find themselves paying more and more out of pocket, it is clear that something must change. We believe that a very different approach is necessary, one involving transparent and direct pricing.
Transparent, direct, package pricing means the patient knows exactly what the cost of the service will be upfront.
Fees for the surgeon, anesthesiologist and facility are all included in one low price. There are no hidden costs, charges or surprises, all costs are given to patient before surgical care is rendered.
The pricing outlined on this website is not a teaser, nor is it a bait-and-switch ploy. It is the actual price you will pay. We can offer these prices because we are completely physician-owned and managed. We control every aspect of the facility from real estate costs, to the most efficient use of staff, to the elimination of wasteful operating room practices that non-profit hospitals have no incentive to curb. We are truly committed to providing the best quality care at the lowest possible price.
Please call us 713-360-6857 or email: Info@LonestarSurgeryCtr.com if you have questions or need further information.
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